domingo, 15 de junio de 2014

HOMENAJE A JORGE EDUARDO EIELSON/ Diciembre 2, 3, y 4, 2014: Hofstra University/Americas Society/ Italian Cultural Institute of New York

Jorge Eduardo Eielson con la instalación "El gran quipu de las naciones", realizada durante las Olimpiadas de Múnich, en 1972. El acto quedó inconcluso por el atentado terrorista del 5 de setiembre. (Foto: Centro Studi Jorge Eielson/ El Dominical)

Poesía y artes visuales (siglos XIX- XXI):
Homenaje a Jorge E. Eielson (1924-2006)
Diciembre 2, 3 y 4, 2014

La Universidad de Hofstra (Hempstead, NY) en colaboración con la Americas Society (Americas Society/Council of the Americas: 680 Park Avenue/ New York, NY 10065), y el Instituto Italiano de Cultura de Nueva York (686 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10065) los invitan a celebrar juntos la obra artística y literaria del escritor y artista peruano Jorge Eduardo Eielson. La inauguración será el 2 de diciembre en la Americas Society a las 7 PM. El 3 de diciembre las actividades continúan en el Instituto Italiano de Cultura (7 PM), y el 4 es el cierre con lectura de ponencias y diálogos entre poetas y críticos sobre la obra de Eielson.

Sírvanse enviar los resúmenes de sus ponencias hasta el 15 de agosto, 2014 a:

Miguel-Angel Zapata (Director del simposio):


HOFSTRA UNIVERSITY in collaboration with the Americas Society and The Italian Cultural Institute of New York
(December 2nd, 3rd and 4th, 2014)

Poetry and the Visual Arts in Romance Languages (XIX- XXI centuries), a tribute to Jorge E. Eielson (1924 – 2006)

There will be three day symposium honoring the Peruvian writer and artist Jorge E. Eielson: “Poetry and the visual arts in Romance Languages, a tribute to Jorge E. Eielson (1924-2006)”.  We are seeking papers (in Spanish or English) to be presented at Hofstra University on December 4, 2014. Eielson is one of the most iconic cultural figures of Latin America in the twentieth century. The symposium would take place on December 4, 2014. In 2014 Eielson would have turned 90. He is considered one of the most radical voices of Latin American poetry of that century. Although born in Lima-Peru in 1924, he lived most of his life in Italy.   At the beginning of the 1940s, his poetry showed the clear influence of mysticism, symbolism and surrealism- especially of the two European poets: Rilke and Rimbaud. Eielson’s early works reveal an astonishing formal literary perfection and almost disturbing imagistic brilliance, as seen in “Cancion y muerte de Rolando”-Song and Death of Roland ( 1943 , but published in 1959) and “Reinos” -Kingdoms ( 1945 ). His exile in Europe led him to Rome and various Italian cities; helps define another stage of his poetic production which is totally different from the first. The bulk of his poetry has been collected in “Poesia escrita” -Poetry Writing (1976 ). He was also a novelist of such well received works as: “El cuerpo de Guila-no” The body of Giulia-no (1971), “Primera muerte de Maria” -First Death of Mary ( 1988 ). His visual art shows the strong influence of pre-Columbian art and myth, and has been exhibited in major museums around the world. Canto visible- Visibile Poetry  (2002 ), a recent critical examination of his art and visual poetry appeared in Italian. He died in Milan on March 8, 2006

Some of the symposium topics will include:

--Eielson: Latin American poetry and Art
---Poetry and Canvas: The Poet as a Painter
--Poetry and the Visual Arts in France, Italy, Spain and Latin America
--Reflections on Photography and Poetry
--The Poetry of Color: Arthur Rimbaud, Cesare Pavese (founders) and Eielson
--A tradition of Poets-Painters in Italy, Spain, France and Latin America
--A Dialogue of Silence: Jorge Luis Borges-A. Durero/ Octavio Paz- Tapies/ Charles Baudelaire/ Magritte
--Poetry in Animation & Film
--The Influence of Poetry in Painters and Painting

--Please, submit abstracts no later than August 15th, 2014 to:

Professor Miguel-Angel Zapata, symposium director:

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